Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I noticed I was tagged by akumaxkami from Les Fleurs Noires to write 7 facts about myself. So I will! It's hard to think of good ones, though...

1. Despite my obviously 'weird' tastes in clothing and many other things, I still consider myself a normal person.
2. But I haven't always. When I was a child, I was convinced I was a fairy child exchanged for a human child, or a princess of a magical country who had to be kept safe from enemies, so was raised by unsuspicious, normal people. I was also convinced I was the smartest person on earth.
3. I have the terrible habit of waiting with homework until the last moment. Apparently I work best under heavy stress, but I don't like it!
4. I like my feet :3
5. I studied Chemical Engineering for half a year, but it wasn't a great success.
6. I bite my nails.
7. I dream of someday publishing my own book, graphic novel or manga.

Now, I have to get back to studying Modern History! Exams next week...

1 comment:

  1. That's cool, I hope to publish my own book one day too. But with how the publishing industry is going downhill....
