Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Shopping in Tokyo~

When I was in Tokyo, I spend two days shopping (note: only two out of the six days I was there!). This meant: searching for every Closet Child shop in town. On the first day I went to Harajuku, of course.

I was told you'd see Takeshita Doori in front of you when you'd walk out of the station, but I took the wrong exit so I ended up on Meiji Doori. Which wasn't a disaster because I had studied the map in advance and knew LaForet was situated at Meiji Doori. It was raining a little, and I admired all the cute umbrellas. After a short bit of walking, I saw a lot of girls in very interesting clothes seeking shelter from the rain under the canopy of a big department store. This, of course, had to be LaForet. I immediately went to the basement and spent some time exploring the shops there. Putumayo surprised me, the quality and designs are great, especially their jewelry, and the staff was super friendly. I bought a necklace for a friend there, and chatted a bit with the shopgirl. Metamorphose had some beautiful dresses, I never noticed before how pretty their clothing really is. The stock photo's don't do them justice. Baby and Alice and the Pirates were somewhat disappointing. There was very little in stock, and I didn't really like the dresses they had. I only looked at Angelic Pretty very shortly. Atelier Boz (or was it Atelier Pierrot? I always mix those two up...) had absolutely stunning dresses, skirts, and headwear, and also sold some Mary Magdalene, Julliete and Justine and Victorian Maiden, as well as Triple Fortune hats! I spend a lot of time there, but it was all too expensive for me. In the end, I bought hair ribbons from Alice and the Pirates, because I wanted to buy at least something from them.

Then I went outside again and walked down Takeshita Doori. It was quite an experience. I hadn't seen that many tourists in any other part of Tokyo! Strangely I didn't see any lolita's, but there were a few mori-girls and quite a lot of gyaru's. I was able to find Closet Child quickly, but their stock disappointed me. I couldn't find any dress I really, really liked. I did buy a Sex Pot Revenge shirt for a friend of mine.

Then I decided to try my luck in Shinjuku, but that did not turn out well. I spend an hour searching for Closet Child, and then another searching for Marui 0101. In the end it turned out I had already passed Marui 0101, but just hadn't recognized it. I was so disappointed and tired from walking in the heat, that I went home.

ignore the Starbucks; it's the third floor that matters! CC Ikebukuro

But the second day brought more luck! I went to Closet Child Ikebukuro first. It was super easy to find, on my way to the shop I spotted the first Tokyo lolita, and their stock was a-ma-zing. They had so many beautiful items, I had a really hard time choosing. I knew I was going to other shops as well, so I didn't want to spend too much in the first one, but it was all so pretty... In the end, I didn't buy the black IW blouse I wanted, but I did buy my beloved Mary Magdalene dress and two skirts, Baby's Paris Window and Metamorphose's Perfume Bottle.

<3 <3 <3

Then I went back to Shinjuku. This time, I went straight to Marui 0101, and spend a lot of time just exploring the 6 floors filled with alternative fashion. There were not only lolita, but also otome, punk, goth and gyaru shops. I bought a skirt from Emily Temple Cute (I don't have a picture yet...), but nothing else. It was great to explore all the different shops. They were quite small so they didn't have much in stock, which was why I was again disappointed by Alice and the Pirates. The only print they had was Melty Mermaid, which I'm not super enthusiastic about.
Moi Meme Motie was very interesting. The shop was completely empty exept for the shopgirl, and there were racks upon racks filled with the holiest of lolita-ness. There were a whole lot of Silent Moon dresses, and they were super pretty and I was very tempted to buy one. But they were more than 380 euro, and I won't pay that for a dress, no matter how jealous it would make all the other lolita's!

Jesus Diamante just scared me.

After having explored Marui 0101 from top to bottom, I tried searching for Closet Child Shinjuku again, but again to no avail. I did see another lolita, and I even wanted to ask her whether she knew the shop, but she looked at me as if I was really scary and quickly said that she didn't know. Foreigners are sooo scary, right? But she's probably got some negative reactions from tourists before.
Anyway, I couldn't find the Shinjuku one so I headed back to Harajuku. I had fun walking around on Takeshita Doori and just looking at all the people. I also went back to Closet Child, just to see if they had any new items. It seems like they did, but I probably had just missed it the previous day. I bought "Alice's Portrait" skirt and a headbow. I already knew I liked Alice's Portait, I had tried on the JSK in Singapore but it didn't fit me then. But the skirt fits fine :) The headbow is the 'Dance of the Black Cat' one, a print I also really like.

I think that's about it... It must have been one of my biggest shopping sprees yet, and I don't want to know how much money I spent, but I'm very happy with everything. I finally have some more brand in my closet ^^
The only thing that still bothers me is: where the f$#@! is Closet Child Shinjuku?!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Outfits for the start of college

College has started again, and since I am now a second-year student I felt the need to show the freshmen what it's like in our department. My major is Japanstudies, so obviously there are a lot of weird people. Sadly, I don't know any other lolita's. But in case one of the new students is a lolita, I thought it would be good to show they're not alone.

I bought some very nice things in Japan, so I could not wait to wear them to college and show them to my friends.
One of the things I was happiest with is this pair of shoes:

Japanese shoes are obviously meant for small Japanese feet, and although my feet are not large at all, I did have trouble finding shoes in Japan. It's weird to be unable to find shoes in my size. Normally I have a very easy size, and I can find lots of shoes (which is not always a good thing...) These are size LL and fit perfectly~ They're so pretty, they remind me a lot of Innocent World and they're perfect for autumn-style classic. Of course I wore them to my first lecture:

Blouse: Earth, music & ecology
JSK: handmade
shoes: Pinky Oring

I went to a hairdresser in Japan, I'd gotten so fed up with my haircut! It was the best hairdresser I've ever been to. So this is what it looks like now:

One of the most brilliant things that happened in Japan was that I found a Mary Magdalene dress, that I actually fit. Mary Magdalene is known for being super small, and I'm not flat-chested like their models... But this dress has shirring, and it fits great! In the fitting room of Closet Child I felt glorious. The lenght is also perfect, and it is such a beautiful dress... I'm in love <3

I will leave you with this picture spam. I'll post my other new items soon!

On a side note, I'm absolutely crazy about Mumford & Sons right now... Their music really touches my heart. Any other fans?  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KCg_QEHtkY

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

photoshoot: Lady of the manor

This summer, I had the unique opportunity to take photo's at a beautiful old manor near where I live. It's private property, so no one ever has the chance to come close to it, but because of a special occasion, there was a theatre performance there. My mother is close friends with the director of the play, so with her help I arranged this photoshoot.

It was really special for me. This manor is in a park which is open to the public, but we can not come near the house. Ever since I was a child I've often walked in this park, and I was always fascinated by the house. I daydreamed about living there, and made up stories about people who lived there in the past. So being able to get into the house made me really happy. It is very old and detoriated in some parts, but it still had this beautiful atmosphere.

Now onto the pictures!

Both dresses are handmade, accesories and such are all offbrand. The pictures were taken by my boyfriend <3

Lolita survey

  1. (1) HNと生年月日、出身を教えて下さい。(Screen-name and DOB, please tell me these~.)
    • Amoris, 26 february
(2) 身長・体重・服のサイズ・靴のサイズは? (height, weight, clothing size and shoe size)
    • 1,63 m, 60 kg, German clothing size 38 or M, German shoe size 38
(3) ロリィタファッションをするようになったキッカケは? (why did you start to dress lolita?)
    • It’s cute and feminine, and it gives me the feeling of old-fashioned elegance
(4) 好きなロリィタのジャンルは? (which style of lolita do you like)
    • Classic is my big love, but I like all styles. In summer I sometimes dress country or casual sweet, I really want to try OTT sweet just for fun, and I think gothic is very beautiful.
(5) 上記に対する拘りや、自分なりの定義などあれば、教えて下さい。(express in your own words, the ideal your above answer)
    • Elegance with a hint of youthfulness for classic, like the models of Victorian Maiden. Light-hearted and cute for sweet, like Misako Aoki (not for OTT). Elegance and a little melancholic for gothic, like a Victorian widow.
(6) ピアスは開けていますか? また、いくつあいてますか? (Do you have piercings? Where?)
    • My ears, since last year.
(7) 好きなブランドは?(Which brands do you like?)
    • Victorian Maiden, Alice and the Pirates, Mary Magdalene, Innocent World
(8) アナタの一番お気に入りのお洋服はどんな服ですか?(Which are your favourite clothes you wear?)
    • My handmade dresses.
(9) ロリィタ友達は何人くらい居ますか?(how many lolita friends do you have?)
    • At the moment there’s Jousia, who introduced me to lolita, and the girls I met in Singapore at Black Alice <3 But I want to make more!
(10) ロリィタをした上での一番良かったことは?(What do you love most about lolita?)
    • It is elegant and beautiful. I feel like a girl from a fairytale.
(11) 逆に一番一番嫌なことは?(What do you hate about it? Pet peeves??)
    • It’s not very practical on the bicycle, or when it rains, or in strong wind... Which are all very common circumstances for me, sadly.
(12) 愛読雑誌は?(Magazine you read?)
    • As for fashion: Kera, Gothic and Lolita Bible, Alice Deco a la Mode, Vogue UK.
(13) ヘッドドレス派? ボンネット派? リボン派?(Headdresses, bonnets or ribbons/katsushya?)
    • I like flowers or ribbons in my hair, or pretty diadems.
(14) ドロワーズは穿いていますか?(Yes to Drawers/Bloomers?)
    • No. I think they’re ridiculous.
(15) ヘッドドレスは前で結ぶ派? 後ろで結ぶ派?(do you tie headdresses at the front or at the back?)
    • I’ve never worn a tied headdress…
(16) 好きな音楽のジャンル・バンドなどはありますか?(Who is your favourite band/type of music?)
    • Folk and classical. I also like some rock. For ‘lolita’ music, I like Kokusyoku Sumire.
(17) 携帯の着メロは何ですか?(What is your phone ring tone~?)
    • Mario theme.
(18) ライヴにはロリィタで行きますか?(Do you go to concerts in lolita?)
    • Classical concerts, yes.
(19) ライヴに行く方はライヴ中にヘドバンしますか?(For people who attend concerts: Do you headbang there?)
    • Imagine a headbanging lolita at the opera XD
(20) 何色が好きですか?(What colours do you like?)
    • Lavender, cream and brown, black, dusty pink.
(21) 趣味は何ですか?(What are your hobbies?)
    • Sewing, drawing, reading, singing and playing guitar & piano. I try to write as well.
(22) 愛用の香水があれば、教えて下さい。(If you have any favourite perfumes, please tell us.)
    • Eau de Cartier.
(23) ロリィタする上での「コレだけは気をつけている」ということはありますか?(Is there anything you are careful of in lolita?)
    • Not jumping or climbing or raising my legs in any way.
(24) 主によく出没する所は何処ですか?(Do you have any favourite haunts to go to in lolita?)
    • College 8D
(25) 週に何回くらいロリィタですか?(how many times a week do you dress lolita?)
    • I try to every day (at least casual), but it doesn’t always work. I’d say approximately 4 days a week.
(26) ロリィタ初心者時に仕出かした恥ずかしいエピソードを教えて下さい。(Please tell us an embarrassing story when you were a beginner in lolita.)
    • A few of my first handmade skirts are not the right shape. Luckily I met Jousia before I had any idea what lolita really was, I’d only heard of it. She thought me the right things before I could post embarrassing pictures online.
(27) アナタの今の髪型と色は?(Your current hairstyle and colour.)
    • Dark blonde, just past my shoulders, with a side-swept fringe.
(28) ロリィタ歴はどのくらい?(What is your lolita history?)
    • I heard a little about it through manga/anime, I don’t even remember how exactly. When I went to Japan, I met Jousia and casually mentioned that I was curious about this “gothic lolita” thing. Her eyes grew big (now I can imagine her feelings at that moment!) and she showed me her clothes, some magazines, some websites and also gave me a good education about what not to wear. I was like a blank canvas, she painted my first image of ‘lolita’. We went to a Baby, the stars shine bright store together and I bought my first dress~ After that, I started sewing lolita, watching the online communities and brand websites, and bought some things from Bodyline and taobao. During my holiday in Japan this summer, I also bought some more brand pieces. I think I’ve learned a lot since I began.
(29) 専用の衣装収納場所がありますか?(Do you store your clothes in a special place?)
    • Just my wardrobe (though half of it is usually on my bed, my desk or my chair -.-”)
(30) 今までロリィタを止めようと思ったことはありますか? また、その理由は?(Did you ever think about stopping Lolita? What was the reason?)
    • I was searching for a room and kept being rejected. I started worrying about not being ‘normal’ enough, but that lasted only half an hour or so. My dear boyfriend talked me out of it ^^
(31) あなたのモットーは?(What is your motto?)
    • Life’s too short for boring things. This doesn’t only count for clothes.
(31) 将来の夢は?(Your dreams of the Future?)
    • This year: make more friends and have fun with the ones I already have, sew as much as I can, pass all my exams with great marks. Next 3 years: visit Japan more times, graduate from university. After that: have a good, enjoyable job, live and interesting life and leave the world a better place.
(33) この人は絶対ロリィタ似合う! と思う有名人の方はいますか?(“This person is so perfect for lolita!” - Do you ever think that about certain celebrities?)
    • Audrey Hepburn, does she count?
(34) 一番思い出の詰まったお品とその思い出を教えて下さい。(Any products/items you have with a fond memory?)
    • My Baby dress I bought with Jousia in Japan <3 Also, the dresses I made with textile bought in Singapore, and the socks I bought from Black Alice.
(35) 一番最初に手に入れたお品は?(What was your first item?)
    • Before-mentioned Baby dress. It’s Roselia Ribbon in lavender.
(36) 写真を撮る時の決めポーズはありますか?(Have you got a pose for photos?)
    • Hold my skirt, bend 1 knee and smile. Boring -.-
(37) アナタの心のバイブルを教えて下さい。(本・雑誌・CDなど何でも)(What is your heart’s bible? [book/magazine/CD/etc])
    • My sketchbook.
(38) 一番高い踵の靴は何cmありますか?(what is the best cm for heels?)
    • 2-7 cm
(39) ティアラはつけたことがありますか?(Do you wear tiaras?)
    • If I dress hime, which is almost never.
(40) たまには王子をやってみたいと思いますか? また、どんな王子? 暗黒系? 白馬系?(Do you think you want to try prince style? What kind of prince? Ankoku-kei [Gothic/dark prince]? Or “prince on a white horse” style?)
    • I’d love to! I don’t look very manly, but I really like ouji-style. I’d like both gothic and sweeter styles. Dandy or pirate-ouji would be great as well :D
(41) レースはどんな種類が好きですか?(What types of lace do you like?)
    • Small venice lace, or detailed crocheted (but not the thick, cluny kind)
(42) お人形さんを所有していますか? 持っている方はその子に対する思いを熱くどうぞ!(Do you own a doll? Does it give you fun, childish feelings?)
    • I have some old porcelain dolls and I think they’re pretty, but I don’t do anything with them. They just sit on my cupboard being decoration.
(43) ロリィタ時の鞄の中身は?(What is in your lolita bag?)
    • Cellphone, wallet, keys, sketchbook, make-up bag, hairbrush.
(44) 好きな花は何ですか?(What is your favourite flower?)
    • Narcissus, snow drop, apple blossom.
(45) 今、一番のお気に入りアクセサリーはどんなもの?(Right now, what is your favourite accessory?)
    • Beige rose hairclips.
(46) お気に入り・お勧めの化粧品を教えて下さい。(Please recommend us some cosmetics.)
    • Dream matte mousse from Maybelline. For the rest I only use cheap non-brand make-up ^^”
(47) パッチリお目目はお人形さんの証! ということでつけまつ毛は使っていますか?(With Eye-tape your eyes look like a Doll’s! What eyelashes will you wear?)
    • I have only one pair, but they’re super long and have glitters!
(48) アイメイクの拘りをどうぞ。(Your eyemakeup for these eyelashes?)
    • Mascara to let the false lashes blend in with my own, black eyeliner on the upper part, brown and black eyepencil on the bottom part, brown (or a color matching my clothes) eyeshadow. But that’s only for OTT! My normal make-up is mascara on my upper lashes and a little brown eyepencil on my lower eyelid.
(49) 口紅は赤? ? ? ピンク?(Red Lipstick? Blue? Black? Pink?)
    • Gold! Or natural-looking pink.
(50) マニキュアは何色を使うことが多いですか? (Which nail polish do you choose normally?)
    • Pink or brown.
(51) 駅のトイレでコッソリ着替えたことありますか?(Have you ever changed in a train station bathroom?)
    • No.
(52) 双子ロリ、三つ子ロリしたことありますか? 感想は?(What do you think of ‘twinning’ and ‘triplet’ lolitas?)
    • Twins are super cute <3 But when there’s a whole bunch of girls all dressed exactly the same, it gets a little intimidating.
(53) 体型をキープ(もしくはダイエット)するためにどんなことをしていますか? お勧めは?(How do you keep in shape for lolita? Recommend us something.)
    • Eat healthy, sleep well and cycle to school~ (but I really should do more sports…)
(54) 独りでロリィタは平気ですか?(Do you keep calm when by yourself in Lolita?)
    • My style isn’t very elaborate, mostly because my colors are quite muted, so I don’t really get a lot of attention. When I do wear something flashy, I try to act as if it’s the most normal thing on earth. This doesn’t always work, but actually I’ve only gotten a lot of compliments (especially from elder ladies! So sweet <3) and almost no rude comments. The worst you’ll get is a weird look, and those are mostly curiosity, not disdain.
(55) 月々にかかるお洋服・小物代はどれくらいですか?(How much do you spend per month on clothes/accessories?)
    • Not very much, but it changes per month.
(56) ロリィタファッションを知ってから、実際にするまでのタイムラグ・抵抗はありましたか?(Was there a time lag between you knowing about Lolita and dressing?)
    • Yes. When I was studying Chemical engineering for half a year (and failing miserably) lolita was what kept me inspired. But I couldn’t wear it because 1- I didn’t have a sufficient wardrobe yet and 2- I didn’t have the confidence yet.
(57) 今まで買った中で一番高い物は?(ロリィタ関係で)(What is your most expensive Lolita item?)
    • Baby, the stars shine bright’s Roselia Ribbon dress ^^
(58) ロリィタって本当にお金かかりますよね。ロリィタ費用をどうやって捻出していますか?(It takes a lot of money to do Lolita. How do you save?)
    • Off-brand and secondhand are your friend J I bought most of my brand secondhand or in sales, the rest is Bodyline, TaoBao, handmade and found in ‘normal’ stores like H&M.
(59) ココだけでコッソリ。今までかけた総費用は大体いくら?(Just a little secret here…How much have you spent so far on Lolita, roughly?)
    • Maybe 900 euro, but that’s without all the ‘normal’ clothes I combine lolita with.
(60) 近くに出来て欲しいお店はありますか?(Is there a Brand you want near where you live?)
    • AatP, VM, MM and IW~ I wouldn’t mind a Baby, either.
(61) ココだけの話、あそこはボッタクリやろ! と思う店はありますか?(“Man, what a rip-off!!” Have you ever thought that about a store?)
    • For the price, Bodyline can’t be called a rip-off. I do think brand prices are too high, especially Moi-Même-Motié. But I was disappointed at the quality of some AatP items, as well. For that price, you’d expect something absolutely amazing.
(62) ネットショップは利用したことがありますか? ある方はその良い点・悪い点など、これからの方への助言をお願いします。(Do you shop online? If so, put the good & bad points here to advise others.)
    • You can’t fit the clothes, so it’s always a guess. You also can’t check the quality, details and true colors of the things you buy. It’s cheaper, but I much prefer buying things in real stores.
(63) ちょっと秘密にしときたいけれど、私だけにコッソリな個人 製作サイトさんを教えて下さい。(You can say if you want, but is there a Secret person/shop that you have ordered a dress solely for you from? [I guess commissioned/replicated])
    • Myself ^^
(64) 絶対に手が届かない〜! でも、滅茶苦茶欲しい! あのブランドのあの商品ありますか?(“I can never have that/see that happening!! But I will always want it!!” Is there a brand you think this of?)
    • Midsummernight’s Dream, I will love you forever T_T And, to fit into everything from MM and VM…
(65) 飽きちゃったお洋服はどうしますか?(What do you do with the clothes you don’t want anymore?)
    • Let them quietly rest in peace in the back of my closet…
(66) 一番最近に買ったアイテムは?(ロリィタ以外でも)(What is your most recent purchase? [Even non-lolita])
    • A pair of beautiful shoes <3
(67) もう二度と手に入らないだろうけれど、忘れられないものはありますか?(Is there an item which you love that you can’t buy/seem to find?)
    • AatP’s Midsummernight’s Dream… My dream print!
(68) ライヴなどの時だけロリィタの格好をすることをどう思いますか?(What do you think of people who only wear lolita to concerts?)
    • If that’s what makes them happy…
(69) すっぴんロリィタさんをどう思いますか?(what do you think of lolita’s without makeup?)
    • It might look a bit unfinished, but I don’t think it’s a big problem. The only thing is, your face might look very plain and dull compared to your clothes…  
(70) アナタとまるっきり同じ格好のロリィタさんが! どうします?(Another lolita is wearing the same coordinate/clothes as you!! What do you do?)
    • Quietly say to myself that I’m still the most original one XD
(71) ロリィタは何歳から何歳まで許されますか?(What age should you stop Lolita?)
    • When you feel it doesn’t suit you anymore.
(72) どういう状態になったら、ロリィタは卒業すべきと考えますか?(ずっと続けて良いも、アリです)(When do you think you should graduate from Lolita? And why?)
    • I don’t think it’s very practical once you have children, but even then it should be doable. But I would move on to easier styles, with less lace and poof.
(73) コレだけは止めてくれ! というロリィタファッション上の注意はありますか?(“You should stop that!!!>_<;” What must you not do when dressing lolita?
    • Anything you shouldn’t do either while dressed normally (I mean flashing your underwear, and bloomers count as underwear!)
(74) ロリィタとはこうあるべき! というような考えはありますか?(A lolita should be ‘this’! What do you think that should be?) 
    • Refined, polite, optimistic, cultured, modest.
(75) 73以外で、ロリィタさんにコレはして欲しくない! ということがあったら、どうぞ。(Excluding #73, is there anything you should definitely not do in lolita?)
    • Join the military, I suppose. And flash your bloomers.
(76) 男の方のロリィタファッションについてどう思いますか?(What do you think of men in Lolita?)
    • A little unusual, but if done well, quite impressive! I think it’s hard for them to convince everyone they genuinely like the clothes, and aren’t perverts. It must be difficult for men to be lolita’s, so they deserve support.
      For the male styles like aristo, dandy and ouji, I think they are great!
(77) ロリィタをして、それ以前から何か変わりました?(Did you change yourself for dressing lolita?)
    • No, but wearing lolita daily was a consequence of a change.
(78) 周囲の人はアナタがロリィタをすることについて何と言っていますか? 受け入れてくれてますか?(What does your family and surrounding people think of you dressing lolita? And do you accept it?)
    • My mother thinks it’s super cute, though she raises an eyebrow at OTT sweet, my father loves the elegant look (he says I look so lady-like. He just likes hats, really.) My brother thinks it’s great that I have the confidence to express my style, and so does my boyfriend. And my friends don’t know me as anything else, really XD
(79) 真夏の暑い祭にアナタはどんなロリィタファッションをしますか?(How do you dress Lolita in the boiling mid-summer?)
    • With sandals, lightest petticoat possible and no blouse. Or else, not at all. Comfort before style!
(80) 学校・職場などにロリィタで行っていますか?(have you gone to School or Work in lolita?)
    • Almost every day.
(81) 普段の服装の系統は?(How do you dress normally?)
    • Normal? This is my normal style! XD But the ‘normal’ part of my wardrobe consists of jeans, T-shirts and cardigans.
(82) 中古品に対する抵抗はありますか?(Do you think twice about buying second-hand clothes?)
    • No, I love buying second-hand!
(83) 彼(or 夫)はいますか? また、理解はありますか? (Do you have a boyfriend? [or husband?] Does he understand Lolita?)
    • Yes, my boyfriend really encourages me to express myself. I appreciate that so much. He also asks me for advice on his clothing! He’s not interested in all the details about lolita (nor am I about soccer… each to his own!) but he supports me always.
(84) 理想の男性像を教えて下さい。(Please tell us your ideal man.)
    • My boyfriend is actually one of the most ‘normal’ people I know XD My ideal man is intelligent, relaxed but not lazy, optimistic, curious and stylish. I generally fall for tall men, but I probably only imagine that because I’m not very tall myself… For the rest: athletic but not too many muscles, and preferably clean XD
(85) 今まであった中で一番印象に残ってるロリィタさんはどんな人?(What Lolita has left a big, shiny impression on you so far?)
    • Caramea (newvoguechildren.blogspot.com) She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, and seems very nice and creative too.
(86) 自分で服を作ったことがありますか? それはどんな服?(Have you made your own clothes? What are they like?)
    • Yes, and I love them! All kinds of styles: I have a black velvet gothic onepiece, many classic dresses and some casual sweet ones.
(87) 自分で小物を作ったことがありますか? 何を作りましたか?(Have you made your own accessories? What did you make?)
    • No, I usually buy my accessories.
(88) 今まででの自作アイテムでコレは大成功! というものはありますか?(The best item you have made! What is it?)
    • My Antique French Roses dress is the queen of my wardrobe.
(89) 理想のロリィタ服やコーディネートがあれば、語って下さい。(Please say your most perfect Lolita coordination you wear.)
    • Classic dress with tights and pretty heels, with either a simple blouse or a bolero.
(90) 憧れの方はいますか? どんな人ですか?(Do you admire someone? What are they like?)
    • The girls from Une Cortile des Roses. They are creative and, to me, embody the essence of lolita.
(91) 1日大好きなあの人とデートが出来ることになりました。相手も自分の好きな格好をして来てくれます。(One day I will go on a date with that person. What would you like to wear for him?)
    • Ehm… Something chic and attractive. Sexy without revealing.
(92) アナタが将来お店を開くとしたら、どんなお店を持ちたいですか?(If you want one, what type of store would you open in the future?)
    • Aah! A store full of self-designed dresses! And free fashion advice with every purchase!
(93) ついついコレに目が行っちゃうのよね〜。というモチーフはありますか?(Your eyes get attracted inadvertantly to something. What is this motif?)
    • Flowers. Or something brown-x-cream.
(94) 自分の子供もロリィタにしたいと思いますか?(Would you dress your child in Lolita?)
    • No. I would dress them cutely when they were babies, but once they’re old enough to say what they want to wear, I’d dress them in that (no matter how weird that may be). That’s how my parents raised me. On pictures of myself at age 4, I’m wearing the strangest combinations. But I thought they were pretty so my mother let me wear them. She taught me: if you feel pretty, you are pretty. And that is what I would like to teach my children as well.
(95) 一着のロリ服にいくらまでかけられますか?(How much do you spend on one outfit?)
    • If the dress is handmade: not much but a lot of time; if the dress is bought: much, and also a lot of time! (shipping takes too long -.-)
(96) これぞロリィタ! という仕種があれば、教えて下さい。(“This is Lolita!!” Please say what you would say this about.)
    • Anything cute and elegant with a poofy skirt.
(97) 一度でいいから着てみたい! ロリィタ以外でそんな格好ありますか?(“I have always wanted to try that once!” What, in the Lolita world, have you wanted to try wearing?)
    • I’d like to try OTT deco sweet, or gothic aristocrat. Ouji is on my list as well.
(98) 自分のロリィタを見て、一言で表すとしたらどんな言葉だと思いますか?(Look at you in Lolita. In one word/phrase, how would you express your style/image?)
    • Cute, classical and romantic.
(99) アナタの理想のロリィタ像とは?(What is your ideal of Lolita?)
    • Victorian Maiden’s models.
(100) 大変お疲れ様でした! 100答えてみての感想をどうぞ! (Thank you for taking this Baton!! Please state your thoughts on it!)