Tuesday, May 15, 2012

New hair

So yeah, I went to the hairdresser and got my hair dip-dyed pink. I guess that's all there is to it. I hope people will like it (judging from the speed with which I now recieve Facebook-comments, it definately triggers a reaction!)

Picture time! (you know, this blog is really an excuse for me to just dump a whole lot of pictures of myself XD)

 Does anyone else have those discussions with yourself when uploading pictures?

"On this one my face looks really good, but you can't actually see my hair..."
"Well it IS about the hair, so I'd better pick the other one, even if I don't look perfect on it.."
"But my nose looks so red, and I have a double chin on it! I can't post that to the internet!"
"Can't I photoshop that?"

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